Monday, April 25, 2011

The Fantasy Dream Of Sarah

The Fantasy Dream Of Sarah
The fantasy dream of Sarah is an article written by Christopher Hyer, which is  myself.  I awoke in on Easter morning, and the story came to my head.  I just started writing and the words started flowing together.  What a wonderful story of heaven and earth.  It’s a short article that I thought it should be shared and enjoyed.  We all have our dreams, and our fantasies.  This dream was in the middle of the night, and when I awoke on Easter morning, I had to write the story.  I hope you enjoy this little story and the meaning of life and death.  It is uplifting and thought provoking so go now and let me know what you think about it.  Christopher Hyer  4.25.2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Ongoing Legend Of Phil Collins

The Ongoing Legend Of Phil Collins The man the mythology and of course his music, Phil Collins has produced some of the most mind wrenching,lucrative studio quality recordings of all time. In this article I chronograph his years and he is still kicking . He is one that lives for his music and is devoted to his family. One heck of a musician and just read the article. Very detailed and possibly the best article ona musician you will get from me. I saw him play in 1980 , I beieve and he was as awestruck thenas he is now. He has seni-retired , but I dont see this man as fully retiring form music. Its in his blood and heart. Christopher Hyer 4.24.2011